
What is RiskEngine?#

With FinBox RiskEngine we make lending precise and profitable with the power of deep learning. We leverage Big Data Analytics, Machine Learning and Deep Learning to drive Risk Assessment models.

How it works?#

  • Artificial Intelligence Engines - Artificial Intelligence Engines leverage real-time cash-flow data, identify risky borrowers, and improve collection efficiency by 50%

  • Machine Learning Models - Our ML models are trained on billions of data points to generate highly precise credit assessment

  • Predictive Analytics - It automates decision making, predict and prevent delinquencies, and reduce drop-offs by up to 60% on a portfolio

  • Big Data capabilities - Big Data Capabilities evolve at scale for each contextual use-case and deliver insights that come from deep learning and 16 million new-to-credit (NTC) personas

Key Features#

  • Explicit consent-driven permissions before analyzing, storing or gathering personal, sensitive information of users.
  • Flagging risky accounts
  • Identifying the reason for delayed payments