No Code Credit Link

What is No Code Credit Link?#

FinBox Credit Link is a No-Code solution to offer credit to your customers without any tech integration. It creates tailored URLs for your customers that take them through the loan application process.

Credit Link enables you to go live quickly with a credit programme, and run a pilot phase. If the pilot is successful, you can integrate our full-fledged stack which has more congfigurability and customizability.

How it works?#

  • Step 1 - A URL is generated by FinBox for each customer.
  • Step 2 - This link is integrated in your digital platform, or the user is redirected to the URL outside your platform.
  • Step 3 - The user completes the onboarding processes on this URL.

Key Features#

  • FinBox Credit Link requires you to integrate a single URL within your digital platform.
  • The Credit Link can be customized so that the look and feel of the interface reflects your brand.
  • Credit Link doesn't leverage device data for underwriting. However we leverage Bank Statements (BankConnect), and bureau data to underwrite borrowers.