Overview of Uploading

Uploading bank statements is the first step involved in the BankConnect Integration flow.

Upload Statements

As shown in the diagram there are two ways you can go ahead with this step:

Using the Client SDK#

As in the lower part of the diagram, Users can submit a PDF statement or enter Net Banking credentials in the Client SDK that resides in your Web / Android Application. While initializing this SDK you have to pass link_id, and the Client SDK will talk with the BankConnect Backend. On successful uploading of the statement, your application will get a callback / redirect with an entity_id. Client SDK is available for the following:

Integrate on mobile or web#

Integrate into your iOS app
Integrate it on your web or mobile app
Integrate into your iOS app

Integrate directly from your server#

As depicted in the upper part of the diagram, the User submits a PDF statement, which through some journey reaches your server. From there you can make use of BankConnect REST APIs to submit the statement. Alternatively you can also make use of server-side libraries like our Python Library to do this step.

Leverage our REST APIs and build your UI
Leverage our Python library and build your UI

After uploading the statement, you'll get the identity information and an entity_id in the response. Identity information includes things like account holder name, account number, time period etc. which can be used for verifying the user or checking if the statement was of the time period you required.