Fetch with REST APIs

BankConnect REST APIs can be used to fetch enriched data for an entity. This guide first lists some basic fields like Progress and Fraud, and then explores different enriched data APIs.

You can also try these APIs on Postman. Check out this article for more details.

To know how to upload statements using REST API, check out this article.

Request Format

BankConnect accepts all requests with form fields, so please make sure that all requests must be made with content-type application/x-www-form-urlencoded or multipart/form-data; boundary={boundary string}


FinBox BankConnect REST API uses API keys to authenticate requests. All API requests must be made over HTTPS. Calls made over plain HTTP will fail. API requests without authentication will also fail.

To make a successful request, required headers mentioned with each API must be present in the request.

In case wrong/incomplete/no keys were passed in headers, response will have 401 HTTP Code and payload as follows:

"detail": "Authentication credentials were not provided."

Progress Field#

When a statement is uploaded, identity information and basic fraud checks happen at the same time. However other statement analyses, like transaction extraction, salary, recurring transactions, advanced fraud checks, enrichment happen in parallel. Hence all the GET APIs for these analysis fields have a progress field. You can track the progress of a statement uploaded using this.

progress is an array of objects. Each object represents a statement and has the following fields:

statusString or nullIndicates the progress for a statement, and can be processing, completed or failed
statement_idStringIdentifies a statement uniquely
sourceStringIndicates the source by which the PDF came from. Can be online (Net Banking Mode) or pdf
messageString or nullAn additional message about the progress of the statement

Sample progress value:

"status": "completed",
"message": null,
"statement_id": "some_uuid4_1",
"source": "pdf"
"status": "processing",
"message": null,
"statement_id": "some_uuid4_2",
"source": "online"

A general rule of thumb would be to make sure all objects in the progress field have their status as completed, by polling the required analysis field API in intervals. As soon as all statuses are completed, the same API will give the correct required values.

It is to be noted that status for all different analysis APIs are separate, that is identity and progress might have different statuses for the document, depending on whichever is taking less or more time. So make sure to check the status for each of the analysis API before trying to use the extracted values.

Fraud Field#

In all of the analysis field APIs (transaction, accounts, etc.), there is a field fraud present, that holds an object with two fields:

  • fraudulent_statements: array of statement_ids which have some sort detected after analysis or in first basic check)

  • fraud_type: array of fraud objects having following keys:

    statement_idStringSpecifies the statement id for statement-level fraud. In case of account-level fraud, its value is null
    fraud_typeStringIt indicates the fraud type
    transaction_hashStringSpecifies the transaction hash in case of transaction-level fraud, will be null otherwise
    account_idStringIndicates the account id
    fraud_categoryStringIndicates the fraud category

To know more about fraud categories and fraud type, refer to Fraud section.

Sample fraud field value:

"fraudulent_statements": [
"fraud_type": [
"statement_id": "uuid4_for_statement",
"fraud_type": "some_fraud_type",
"account_id": "uuid4_for_account",
"fraud_category": "some_fraud_category",
"transaction_hash": null

List Accounts#

Lists accounts under a given entity.


GET {{$page.frontmatter.base_url}}/{{$page.frontmatter.version}}/entity/<entity_id>/accounts/


Request headers x-api-key with API Key as value and server-hash with Server Hash as value must be present in request.


On fetching information successfully, the response would be of the following format with 200 HTTP code:

"entity_id": "uuid4_for_entity",
"progress": [
"status": "completed",
"message": null,
"statement_id": "uuid4_for_statement",
"source": "pdf"
"accounts": [
"months": [
"statements": [
"account_id": "uuid4_for_account",
"ifsc": null,
"micr": null,
"account_number": "Account Number Extracted",
"account_category": "individual",
"credit_limit": 0,
"bank": "axis"
"fraud": {
"fraudulent_statements": [
"fraud_type": [
"statement_id": "uuid4_for_statement",
"fraud_type": "some_fraud_type",
"account_id": "uuid4_for_account",
"fraud_category": "some_fraud_category",
"transaction_hash": null

The response has the following fields:

  • accounts holds the array of account objects, each having:

    monthsarray of stringsmonth and year for which data is available
    statementsarray of stringslist of statement unique identifiers under the account
    account_idstringunique identifier for account
    bankstringbank identifier to which the account belongs
    ifscstringIFSC code of bank account
    micrstringMICR code of bank account
    account_categorystringaccount category, can be individual or corporate
    account_numberstringaccount number
    credit_limitIntegerlimit up to which a company can withdraw from the working capital limit sanctioned
  • progress (read more in Progress Field section)

  • fraud (read more in Fraud Field section)


Lists extracted identities for a given entity.


GET {{$page.frontmatter.base_url}}/{{$page.frontmatter.version}}/entity/<entity_id>/identity/


Request headers x-api-key with API Key as value and server-hash with Server Hash as value must be present in request.


On fetching information successfully, the response would be of the following format with 200 HTTP code:

"entity_id": "uuid4_for_entity",
"progress": [
"statement_id": "uuid4_for_statement",
"status": "completed",
"message": null,
"source": "pdf"
"accounts": [
"account_number": "Account Number Extracted",
"bank": "sbi",
"account_id": "uuid4_for_account",
"micr": null,
"account_category": "individual",
"statements": [
"ifsc": null,
"months": [
"fraud": {
"fraudulent_statements": [
"fraud_type": [
"statement_id": "uuid4_for_statement",
"fraud_type": "some_fraud_type",
"account_id": "uuid4_for_account",
"fraud_category": "some_fraud_category",
"transaction_hash": null
"identity": [
"name": "Extracted Name",
"account_category": "individual",
"credit_limit": 0,
"account_number": "Extracted Account Number",
"address": "Extracted Address",
"account_id": "uuid4_for_account",

The response fields are the same as in List Accounts, but there is an additional identity field that holds an array of identity objects. Each object has:

account_idstringa unique identifier for the account for which the identity information is referred to in the object
namestringextracted account holder name
addressstringextracted account holder address
account_numberstringaccount number
account_categorystringaccount category, can be individual or corporate


Get extracted and enriched transactions for a given entity.


GET {{$page.frontmatter.base_url}}/{{$page.frontmatter.version}}/entity/<entity_id>/transactions/


Request headers x-api-key with API Key as value and server-hash with Server Hash as value must be present in request.

Query Parameters#

Query parameters can be appended at end of the URL like /?account_id=somevalue

account_idYesStringIf specified, it filter outs the transactions for a particular account


On fetching information successfully, the response would be of the following format with 200 HTTP code:

"entity_id": "uuid4_for_entity",
"progress": [
"status": "completed",
"message": null,
"statement_id": "uuid4_for_statement",
"source": "pdf"
"accounts": [
"months": [
"statements": [
"account_id": "uuid4_for_account",
"ifsc": null,
"micr": null,
"account_category": "individual",
"account_number": "Account Number Extracted",
"bank": "axis"
"fraud": {
"fraudulent_statements": [
"fraud_type": [
"statement_id": "uuid4_for_statement",
"fraud_type": "some_fraud_type",
"account_id": "uuid4_for_account",
"fraud_category": "some_fraud_category",
"transaction_hash": null
"transactions": [
"transaction_note": "SOME LONG TRANSACTION NOTE",
"hash": "unique_transaction_identifier",
"description": "lender_transaction",
"account_id": "uuid4_for_account",
"transaction_type": "debit",
"amount": 5188.0,
"date": "2019-01-08 00:00:00",
"merchant_category": "",
"balance": 922.15,
"transaction_channel": "salary"

The response fields are the same as in List Accounts, but there is an additional transactions field that holds an array of transaction objects. Each object has the following fields:

  • transaction_note: exact transaction note / description present in the statement PDF
  • hash: a unique identifying hash for each transaction
  • description: describes more information about the transaction_channel field. Refer to this list for possible values.
  • account_id: unique UUID4 identifier for the account to which the transaction belongs to
  • transaction_type: can be debit or credit
  • amount: indicates the transaction amount
  • date: date of transaction
  • merchant_category: the category of the merchant in case a transaction is with a merchant. Refer to this list of possible values.
  • balance: account balance just after this transaction
  • transaction_channel: refer to this list for possible values.


Get extracted salary transactions for a given entity.


GET {{$page.frontmatter.base_url}}/{{$page.frontmatter.version}}/entity/<entity_id>/salary/


Request headers x-api-key with API Key as value and server-hash with Server Hash as value must be present in request.

Query Parameters#

Query parameters can be appended at end of the URL like /?account_id=somevalue

account_idYesStringIf specified, it filter outs the transactions for a particular account


On fetching information successfully, the response would be of the following format with 200 HTTP code:

"entity_id": "uuid4_for_entity",
"progress": [
"status": "completed",
"message": null,
"statement_id": "uuid4_for_statement",
"source": "pdf"
"accounts": [
"months": [
"statements": [
"account_id": "uuid4_for_account",
"ifsc": null,
"micr": null,
"account_category": "individual",
"account_number": "Account Number Extracted",
"bank": "axis"
"fraud": {
"fraudulent_statements": [
"fraud_type": [
"statement_id": "uuid4_for_statement",
"fraud_type": "some_fraud_type",
"account_id": "uuid4_for_account",
"fraud_category": "some_fraud_category",
"transaction_hash": null
"transactions": [
"balance": 32682.78,
"hash": "unique_transaction_identifier_1",
"description": "",
"clean_transaction_note": "Clean Transaction Note",
"account_id": "uuid4_for_account",
"transaction_type": "credit",
"date": "2018-12-12 00:00:00",
"amount": 27598.0,
"month_year": "12-2018",
"merchant_category": "",
"transaction_channel": "net_banking_transfer",
"transaction_note": "SOME LONG TRANSACTION NOTE"
"balance": 29979.15,
"hash": "unique_transaction_identifier_2",
"description": "",
"clean_transaction_note": "Clean Transaction Note",
"account_id": "uuid4_for_account",
"transaction_type": "credit",
"date": "2019-01-11 00:00:00",
"amount": 29057.0,
"month_year": "1-2019",
"merchant_category": "",
"transaction_channel": "net_banking_transfer",
"transaction_note": "SOME LONG TRANSACTION NOTE"

The response fields are the same as in List Accounts, but there is an additional transactions field that holds an array of salary transaction objects. Each object has the following fields:

  • balance: account balance just after this transaction
  • hash: a unique identifying hash for each transaction
  • description: describes more information about the transaction_channel field. Refer to this list for possible values.
  • clean_transaction_note: Transaction note in clean English words
  • account_id: unique UUID4 identifier for the account to which the transaction belongs to
  • transaction_type: can be debit or credit
  • date: date of transaction
  • amount: indicates the transaction amount
  • month_year: month and year for which the salary is
  • merchant_category: the category of the merchant in case a transaction is with a merchant. Refer to this list of possible values.
  • transaction_channel: refer to this list for possible values.
  • transaction_note: exact transaction note / description present in the statement PDF

Recurring Transactions#

Get extracted recurring transactions for a given entity.


GET {{$page.frontmatter.base_url}}/{{$page.frontmatter.version}}/entity/<entity_id>/recurring_transactions/


Request headers x-api-key with API Key as value and server-hash with Server Hash as value must be present in request.

Query Parameters#

Query parameters can be appended at end of the URL like /?account_id=somevalue

account_idYesStringIf specified, it filter outs the transactions for a particular account


On fetching information successfully, the response would be of the following format with 200 HTTP code:

"entity_id": "uuid4_for_entity",
"progress": [
"status": "completed",
"message": null,
"statement_id": "uuid4_for_statement",
"source": "pdf"
"accounts": [
"months": [
"statements": [
"account_id": "uuid4_for_account",
"ifsc": null,
"micr": null,
"account_category": "individual",
"account_number": "Account Number Extracted",
"bank": "axis"
"fraud": {
"fraudulent_statements": [
"fraud_type": [
"statement_id": "uuid4_for_statement",
"fraud_type": "some_fraud_type",
"account_id": "uuid4_for_account",
"fraud_category": "some_fraud_category",
"transaction_hash": null
"transactions": {
"credit_transactions": [
"account_id": "uuid4_for_account",
"end_date": "2019-01-11 00:00:00",
"clean_transaction_note": "A SHORT AND CLEAN TRANSACTION NOTE",
"transactions": [
"transaction_channel": "net_banking_transfer",
"transaction_note": "SOME LONG TRANSACTION NOTE",
"clean_transaction_note": "A SHORT AND CLEAN TRANSACTION NOTE",
"hash": "unique_transaction_identifier_1",
"account_id": "uuid4_for_account",
"transaction_type": "credit",
"amount": 27598.0,
"date": "2018-12-12 00:00:00",
"balance": 32682.78,
"description": ""
"transaction_channel": "net_banking_transfer",
"transaction_note": "SOME LONG TRANSACTION NOTE",
"clean_transaction_note": "A SHORT AND CLEAN TRANSACTION NOTE",
"hash": "unique_transaction_identifier_2",
"account_id": "uuid4_for_account",
"transaction_type": "credit",
"amount": 29057.0,
"date": "2019-01-11 00:00:00",
"balance": 29979.15,
"description": ""
"median": 29057.0,
"start_date": "2018-12-12 00:00:00",
"transaction_channel": "NET_BANKING_TRANSFER"
"debit_transactions": [
"account_id": "uuid4_for_account",
"end_date": "2019-01-18 00:00:00",
"clean_transaction_note": "A SHORT AND CLEAN TRANSACTION NOTE",
"transactions": [
"transaction_channel": "debit_card",
"transaction_note": "SOME LONG TRANSACTION NOTE",
"clean_transaction_note": "A SHORT AND CLEAN TRANSACTION NOTE",
"hash": "unique_transaction_identifier_3",
"account_id": "uuid4_for_account",
"transaction_type": "debit",
"amount": 80.0,
"date": "2019-01-16 00:00:00",
"balance": 1912.85,
"description": ""
"transaction_channel": "debit_card",
"transaction_note": "SOME LONG TRANSACTION NOTE",
"clean_transaction_note": "A SHORT AND CLEAN TRANSACTION NOTE",
"hash": "unique_transaction_identifier_4",
"account_id": "uuid4_for_account",
"transaction_type": "debit",
"amount": 70.0,
"date": "2019-01-17 00:00:00",
"balance": 1840.85,
"description": ""
"transaction_channel": "debit_card",
"transaction_note": "SOME LONG TRANSACTION NOTE",
"clean_transaction_note": "A SHORT AND CLEAN TRANSACTION NOTE",
"hash": "unique_transaction_identifier_5",
"account_id": "uuid4_for_account",
"transaction_type": "debit",
"amount": 70.0,
"date": "2019-01-18 00:00:00",
"balance": 249335.95,
"description": ""
"median": 70.0,
"start_date": "2019-01-16 00:00:00",
"transaction_channel": "DEBIT_CARD"

The response fields are the same as in List Accounts, but there are two additional fields credit_transactions and debit_transactions that holds an array of recurring transaction set objects for credit and debit transaction type respectively. Each of the recurring transaction set object has the following fields:

  • account_id: unique UUID4 identifier for the account to which transaction set belongs to
  • start_date: the start date for the recurring transaction set
  • end_date: end date for the recurring transaction set
  • transaction_channel: transaction channel in upper case. Refer to this list for possible values.
  • median: median of the transaction amounts under the given recurring transaction set
  • clean_transaction_note: contains a clean and small transaction note, it can be used as an identifier for source/destination for the recurring transaction set
  • transactions: list of transaction objects under the recurring transaction set. Each transaction object here has the same fields as the transaction object in transactions API (Refer the response section here to know about the fields).

Lender Transactions#

Get extracted lender transactions for a given entity.


GET {{$page.frontmatter.base_url}}/{{$page.frontmatter.version}}/entity/<entity_id>/lender_transactions/


Request headers x-api-key with API Key as value and server-hash with Server Hash as value must be present in request.

Query Parameters#

Query parameters can be appended at end of the URL like /?account_id=somevalue

account_idYesStringIf specified, it filter outs the transactions for a particular account


On fetching information successfully, the response would be of the following format with 200 HTTP code:

"entity_id": "uuid4_for_entity",
"progress": [
"status": "completed",
"message": null,
"statement_id": "uuid4_for_statement",
"source": "pdf"
"accounts": [
"months": [
"statements": [
"account_id": "uuid4_for_account",
"ifsc": null,
"micr": null,
"account_category": "individual",
"account_number": "Account Number Extracted",
"bank": "axis"
"fraud": {
"fraudulent_statements": [
"fraud_type": [
"statement_id": "uuid4_for_statement",
"fraud_type": "some_fraud_type",
"account_id": "uuid4_for_account",
"fraud_category": "some_fraud_category",
"transaction_hash": null
"transactions": [
"transaction_note": "SOME LONG TRANSACTION NOTE",
"hash": "unique_transaction_identifier_1",
"description": "lender_transaction",
"account_id": "uuid4_for_account",
"transaction_type": "debit",
"amount": 5188.0,
"date": "2018-12-12 00:00:00",
"merchant_category": "",
"balance": 27494.78,
"transaction_channel": "net_banking_transfer"
"transaction_note": "SOME LONG TRANSACTION NOTE",
"hash": "unique_transaction_identifier_2",
"description": "lender_transaction",
"account_id": "uuid4_for_account",
"transaction_type": "debit",
"amount": 5188.0,
"date": "2019-01-08 00:00:00",
"merchant_category": "",
"balance": 922.15,
"transaction_channel": "net_banking_transfer"

The response fields are the same as in List Accounts, but there is an additional transactions field that holds an array of lender transaction objects. Each object has the following fields:

  • transaction_note: exact transaction note / description present in the statement PDF
  • hash: a unique identifying hash for each transaction
  • description: describes more information about the transaction_channel field. Refer to this list for possible values.
  • account_id: unique UUID4 identifier for the account to which the transaction belongs to
  • transaction_type: can be debit or credit
  • amount: indicates the transaction amount
  • date: date of transaction
  • merchant_category: the category of the merchant in case a transaction is with a merchant. Refer to this list of possible values.
  • balance: account balance just after this transaction
  • transaction_channel: refer to this list for possible values.

Expense Categories

Get expense category wise percentage distribution of transaction amounts for a given entity.


GET {{$page.frontmatter.base_url}}/{{$page.frontmatter.version}}/entity/<entity_id>/get_expense_categories/


Request headers x-api-key with API Key as value and server-hash with Server Hash as value must be present in request.

Query Parameters#

Query parameters can be appended at end of the URL like /?account_id=somevalue

account_idYesStringIf specified, it filter outs the transactions for a particular account


On fetching information successfully, the response would be of the following format with 200 HTTP code:

"entity_id": "uuid4_for_entity",
"progress": [
"statement_id": "uuid4_for_statement",
"status": "completed",
"message": null,
"source": "pdf"
"categories": [
"category": "Transfers",
"percentage": 46
"category": "Bills",
"percentage": 42
"category": "Loans",
"percentage": 5
"category": "Ewallet",
"percentage": 5
"category": "Cash",
"percentage": 1
"category": "Others",
"percentage": 1

Here, the progress field holds an array of statement wise progress status, while the categories field holds a list of objects each having following fields:

categoryStringcontains the expense category, it is a mix of merchant category and transaction channel
percentageIntegerpercentage for the expense category rounded to nearest integer with some of all percentage equal to 100

Top Debit Credit

Get top debits and credits for a given entity.


GET {{$page.frontmatter.base_url}}/{{$page.frontmatter.version}}/entity/<entity_id>/top_credits_debits/


Request headers x-api-key with API Key as value and server-hash with Server Hash as value must be present in request.


On fetching information successfully, the response would be of the following format with 200 HTTP code:

"entity_id": "uuid4_for_entity",
"progress": [
"status": "completed",
"message": null,
"source": "pdf"
"top_5_credit_debit": {
"top_5_credit": {
"Jan-21": {
"Feb-21": {
"top_5_debit": {
"Jan-21": {
"Feb-21": {

Here, the progress field holds an array of statement wise progress status, while the top_5_credit_debit field holds top credits and top debits values (transaction notes with corresponding amount) for a given month.

Monthly Analysis

Get monthly analysis for a given entity.


GET {{$page.frontmatter.base_url}}/{{$page.frontmatter.version}}/entity/<entity_id>/monthly_analysis/


Request headers x-api-key with API Key as value and server-hash with Server Hash as value must be present in request.


On fetching information successfully, the response would be of the following format with 200 HTTP code:

"entity_id": "uuid4_for_entity",
"progress": [
"status": "completed",
"message": null,
"source": "pdf"
"accounts": [
"months": [
"statements": [
"account_id": "uuid4_for_account",
"ifsc": null,
"micr": null,
"account_category": "individual",
"account_number": "Account Number Extracted",
"bank": "axis"
"monthly_analysis": {
"account_id": [
"uuid4_for_account": {
"monthly_analysis": {
"opening_balance": {
"Aug-2020": 5771.52,
"Sep-2020": 271.52,
"Oct-2020": 253.82
"avg_credit_transaction_size": {
"Aug-2020": 4432,
"Sep-2020": 3134,
"Oct-2020": 3465

Here, the progress field holds an array of statement wise progress status, while the monthly_analysis field holds an object of fields, each having an object of month-wise keys having numerical values.

Months are represented in Mmm-YYYY format in key.

Different fields that hold this monthly analysis are as follows:

  • amt_auto_debit_payment_bounce_credit: Total Amount of Auto debit bounce
  • amt_auto_debit_payment_debit: Total Amount of Auto-Debit Payments
  • amt_bank_charge_debit: Total Amount of Bank Charges
  • amt_bank_interest_credit: Total Amount of Bank Interest
  • amt_bill_payment_debit: Total Amount of Bill Payments
  • amt_cash_deposit_credit: Total Amount of Cash Deposited
  • amt_cash_withdrawl_debit: Total Amount of Cash Withdrawal
  • amt_chq_credit: Total Amount Credited through Cheque
  • amt_chq_debit: Total Amount Debited through Cheque
  • amt_income_credit: Total Amount Credited excluding inward cheque bounce, auto debit payment bounce, international transaction arbitrage credits and loan credits
  • amt_credit: Total Amount Credited
  • amt_debit: Total Amount Debited
  • amt_debit_card_debit: Total Amount Spend through Debit card
  • amt_international_transaction_arbitrage_credit: Total Amount of credit due to difference in buying and selling of an asset in two diffrent market (credit)
  • amt_international_transaction_arbitrage_debit: Total Amount of debit due to difference in buying and selling of an asset in two diffrent market (debit)
  • amt_investment_cashin_credit: Total Amount of Investment Cash-ins
  • amt_net_banking_transfer_credit: Total Amount Credited through transfers
  • amt_net_banking_transfer_debit: Total Amount Debited through transfers
  • amt_outward_cheque_bounce_debit: Total Amount Debited through Outward Cheque Bounce
  • amt_inward_cheque_bounce_credit: Total Amount Credited through Inward Cheque Bounce
  • amt_outward_cheque_bounce_insuff_funds_debit: Total Amount Debited through Outward Cheque Bounce Insufficient Funds
  • amt_inward_cheque_bounce_insuff_funds_credit: Total Amount Credited through Inward Cheque Bounce Insufficient Funds
  • amt_ach_bounce_charge: Total Amount Debited through Ach Bounce Charge
  • amt_chq_bounce_charge: Total Amount Debited through Ach Bounce Charge
  • amt_bounce_charge: Total Amount Debited through Ach Bounce Charge and Cheque bounce charge
  • amt_payment_gateway_purchase_debit: Total Amount of Payment Gateway Purchase
  • amt_refund_credit: Total Amount of Refund
  • amt_upi_credit: Total Amount Credited through UPI
  • amt_upi_debit: Total Amount Debited through UPI
  • amt_emi_debit: Total Amount Debited as Loan EMI
  • amt_emi_bounce_credit: Total Amount Credited through EMI Bounce
  • amt_credit_card_bill_debit : Total Amount Debited for Credit Card Bill
  • amt_investment : Total Amount of Investments
  • amt_loan_credits: Total Amount of Loan Credits
  • amt_business_credit: Total amount of Income credit transactions where amount is greater than 500
  • amt_self_transfer_credit: Total amount of self-transfer credit
  • amt_self_transfer_debit: Total amount of self-transfer debit
  • avg_bal: Average Balance* ( = Average of EOD Balances after filling in missing daily Balances)
  • avg_credit_transaction_size: Average Credit Transaction Size
  • avg_debit_transaction_size: Average Debit Transaction Size
  • avg_emi: Average Loan EMI Amount
  • closing_balance: Closing balance
  • cnt_auto_debit_payment_bounce_credit: Number of Auto-Debit Bounces
  • cnt_auto_debit_payment_debit: Number of Auto-debited payments
  • cnt_bank_charge_debit: Number of Bank Charge payments
  • cnt_bank_interest_credit: Number of Bank Interest Credits
  • cnt_bill_payment_debit: Number of Bill Payments
  • cnt_cash_deposit_credit: Number of Cash Deposit Transactions
  • cnt_cash_withdrawl_debit: Number of Cash Withdrawal Transactions
  • cnt_chq_credit: Number of Credit Transactions through cheque
  • cnt_chq_debit: Number of Debit Transactions through cheque
  • cnt_income_credit: Number of Income Credit Transactions
  • cnt_credit: Number of Credit Transactions
  • cnt_debit: Number of Debit Transactions
  • cnt_debit_card_debit: Number of Debit Card Transactions
  • cnt_international_transaction_arbitrage_credit: Number of International Credit transactions
  • cnt_international_transaction_arbitrage_debit: Number of International Debit transactions
  • cnt_investment_cashin_credit: Number of Investment Cash-ins
  • cnt_net_banking_transfer_credit: Number of Net Banking Credit Transactions
  • cnt_net_banking_transfer_debit: Number of Net Banking Debit Transactions
  • cnt_outward_cheque_bounce_debit: Number of Debit Transactions through Outward Cheque Bounce
  • cnt_inward_cheque_bounce_credit: Number of Credit Transactions through Inward Cheque Bounce
  • cnt_inward_cheque_bounce_insuff_funds_credit: Number of Credit Transactions through Inward Cheque Bounce Insufficient Funds
  • cnt_outward_cheque_bounce_insuff_funds_debit: Number of Debit Transactions through Outward Cheque Bounce Insufficient Funds
  • cnt_ach_bounce_charge: Number of Debit Transactions through Ach Bounce Charge
  • cnt_chq_bounce_charge: Number of Debit Transactions through Chq Bounce Charge
  • cnt_bounce_charge: Number of Debit Transactions through Ach Bounce Charge and Cheque bounce charge
  • cnt_payment_gateway_purchase_debit: Number of Payment Gateway Purchase
  • cnt_emi_debit: Number of Loan EMI Debit Transactions
  • cnt_emi_bounce_credit: Number of Credit Transactions through EMI Bounce
  • cnt_refund_credit: Number of Refund Transactions
  • cnt_transactions: Number of Transactions
  • cnt_upi_credit: Number of Credit Transactions through UPI
  • cnt_upi_debit: Number of Debit Transactions through UPI
  • cnt_investment : Number of Investment
  • cnt_credit_card_bill_debit : Number of Credit Card Bill Transactions
  • cnt_loan_credits: Number of Loan Credit Transactions
  • cnt_business_credit: Number of Income credit transaction where amount is greater than 500
  • cnt_self_transfer_debit: Number of self-transfer debit
  • cnt_self_transfer_credit: Number of self-transfer credit
  • max_bal: Maximum Balance
  • max_eod_balance: Maximum EOD Balance
  • median_balance: Median Balance* ( = Median of EOD Balances after filling in missing daily Balances)
  • min_bal: Minimum Balance
  • min_eod_balance: Minimum EOD Balance
  • mode_balance: Mode Balance* ( = Mode of EOD Balances after filling in missing daily Balances)
  • net_cash_inflow: Net Cashflow (Total amount credited - Total amount debited )
  • opening_balance: Opening Balance
  • number_of_salary_transactions: Number of Salary Transactions
  • total_amount_of_salary: Total Amount of Salary
  • perc_salary_spend_bill_payment: % Salary Spent on Bill Payment (7 days)
  • perc_salary_spend_cash_withdrawl: % Salary Spent Through Cash Withdrawal (7 days)
  • perc_salary_spend_debit_card: % Salary Spent through Debit Card (7 days)
  • perc_salary_spend_net_banking_transfer: % Salary Spent through Net Banking (7 days)
  • perc_salary_spend_upi: % Salary Spent through UPI (7 days)

* We extrapolate previous available EOD balance as a proxy for EOD balances for dates missing in the statement. In case when no previous EOD balance is available, EOD balance of the closest available dates are used.

Rolling Monthly Analysis

Get Rolling monthly analysis for a given entity.


GET {{$page.frontmatter.base_url}}/{{$page.frontmatter.version}}/entity/<entity_id>/rolling_monthly_analysis/


Request headers x-api-key with API Key as value and server-hash with Server Hash as value must be present in request.


On fetching information successfully, the response would be of the following format with 200 HTTP code:

"entity_id": "uuid4_for_entity",
"progress": [
"status": "completed",
"message": null,
"statement_id": "uuid4_for_statement",
"source": "pdf"
"monthly_analysis": {
"monthly_analysis": {
"months_order": [
"month_2": {
"opening_balance": {
"avg": 10687.84,
"max": 68149.99,
"min": 68149.99,
"count": 1,
"amt": "10687.84"
"credit": {
"sum": 6181099.43,
"avg": 3090549.71,
"max": 3181099.43,
"min": 3000000.0,
"count": 2,
"max_date": "19-Mar-21",
"min_date": "18-Mar-21",
"amt": "6181099.43"
"cash_deposit_credit": {
"sum": 0,
"avg": 0,
"max": null,
"min": null,
"count": 0,
"max_date": null,
"min_date": null,
"amt": "0"
"calander_months_order": [
"Jan-21": {},
"Feb-21": {},
"Mar-21": {},
"3_months_group": {
"credit": {
"sum": 266474.0,
"avg": 20498.0,
"max": 191298.0,
"min": 1.0,
"count": 13,
"max_date": "02-Mar-21",
"min_date": "21-Jan-21",
"amt": "266474.0"

Here, the progress field holds an array of statement wise progress status, while the rolling_monthly_analysis field holds an object of fields, each having an object of month-wise keys having numerical values.

Months are represented in Mmm-YYYY format in key.

Different fields that hold this monthly analysis are as follows:

Fields(Unique)Finbox variablesDefinitionAmount PresentSumAvgMaxMinCountMax DateMin DateTx TypeData format
Bank Balance (Daily Closing Balance)closing_balanceClosing balanceYesNAYesYesYesYesYesYesDebit or Creditrolling 30 days
Banking TurnoverincomeTotal Amount of credit in month excluding amount of inward cheque bounce, auto debit payment bounce, international transaction arbitrage credits and loan creditsYesYesYesYesYesYesNANACreditrolling 30 days
EMIemi_debitTotal Amount Debited as Loan EMIYesYesNAYesYesYesYesYesDebitrolling 30 days
Total Inward Bounceinward_cheque_bounce_creditTotal Amount Credited through Inward Cheque BounceYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesCreditrolling 30 days
Total Outward Bounceoutward_cheque_bounce_debitTotal Amount Debited through Outward Cheque BounceYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesDebitrolling 30 days
EMI Bounceemi_bounceTotal Amount credited due to emi bounceYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesCreditrolling 30 days
Credit TransactionscreditTotal Amount of credit transactionsYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesCreditrolling 30 days
Debit TransactionsdebitTotal Amount of debit transactionsYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesDebitrolling 30 days
SalarysalaryTotal Amount of Salary TransactionsYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesCreditrolling 30 days
Credit Card Paymentcredit_card_bill_debitTotal Amount Debited for Credit Card BillYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesDebitrolling 30 days
Cash Withdrawlcash_withdrawl_debitTotal Amount of Cash WithdrawalYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesDebitrolling 30 days
InvestmentinvestmentTotal Amount of InvestmentsYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesDebitrolling 30 days
Interest Earnedbank_interest_creditTotal Amount of Bank InterestYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesCreditrolling 30 days
Cash Depositscash_deposit_creditTotal Amount of Cash DepositedYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesCreditrolling 30 days
Loan Creditloan_creditsTotal Amount of Loan CreditsYesYesNAYesYesYesYesYesCreditrolling 30 days
Cheque issuedchq_debitTotal Amount Debited through ChequeYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesDebitrolling 30 days
Cheque Depositchq_creditTotal Amount Credited through ChequeYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesCreditrolling 30 days
Ecommerceshoppingi.e. amazon , flipkart, myntraYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesDebitrolling 30 days
Bank Chargesbank_charge_debitTotal Amount of Bank ChargesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesDebitrolling 30 days
Traveltraveli.e. redbus , olacabs, irctcYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesDebitrolling 30 days
Fuelfueli.e. petrol , hpcl , gasolineYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesDebitrolling 30 days
foodfoodi.e. zomato , swiggy , burgerkingYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesDebitrolling 30 days
shoppingshoppingi.e. supermarket , megamartYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesDebitrolling 30 days
No of Negative Balance daysnegative_balance_daysNumber of negative balance daysYesYesYesYesYesNANANADebit or Creditrolling 30 days
Digital Payments Presencedigital_paymentsi.e. paytm , phonepe, freechargeYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesDebitrolling 30 days
Discretionary spendsdiscretionary_spendsi.e. investments , medical , entertainmentYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesDebitrolling 30 days
Maturity of investmentinvestmentsNumber of InvestmentsYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesCreditrolling 30 days
Opening Balanceclosing_balanceClosing balanceYesNAYesYesYesYesNANADebit or Creditrolling 30 days
Closing Balanceopening_balanceOpening BalanceYesNAYesYesYesYesNANADebit or Creditrolling 30 days
Net Cashflownet_cash_inflowNet Cashflow (credit-debit)YesYesYesYesYesNANANADebit or Creditrolling 30 days
Average Balance /Average monthly Emiabb_isto_emiAverage Balance / Avg Emi of month (If avg emi is 0 , then avg value will be 99)YesYesYesYesYesNANANADebit or Creditrolling 30 days
Refundrefund_creditTotal Amount of RefundYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesCreditrolling 30 days
Auto Debitauto_debit_payment_debitTotal Amount of Auto-Debit PaymentsYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesDebitrolling 30 days
International Debitinternational_transaction_arbitrage_debitTotal Amount of International DebitYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesDebitrolling 30 days
International Creditinternational_transaction_arbitrage_creditTotal Amount of International CreditYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesCreditrolling 30 days
Negative Balancenegative_balanceSame day multiple transactions with balance < 0 will be count as 1, EOD balance is negative with no transaction on that date will be count as 1YesNAYesYesYesYesYesYesDebit or Creditrolling 30 days
Min Balance chargesmin_balance_chargework in progressYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesDebitrolling 30 days
Tax Paidtax_paidwork in progressYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesDebitrolling 30 days
Telephonetelephonework in progressYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesDebitrolling 30 days
Utilitiesutilitieswork in progressYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesDebitrolling 30 days
Bank Balance on 1stbalance_on_1stEOD balance on 1st of monthYesNAYesYesYesYesNANADebit or CreditCalander month
Bank Balance on 5thbalance_on_5thEOD balance on 5st of monthYesNAYesYesYesYesNANADebit or CreditCalander month
Bank Balance on 10thbalance_on_10thEOD balance on 10st of monthYesNAYesYesYesYesNANADebit or CreditCalander month
Bank Balance on 15thbalance_on_15thEOD balance on 15st of monthYesNAYesYesYesYesNANADebit or CreditCalander month
Bank Balance on 20thbalance_on_20thEOD balance on 20st of monthYesNAYesYesYesYesNANADebit or CreditCalander month
Bank Balance on 25thbalance_on_25thEOD balance on 25st of monthYesNAYesYesYesYesNANADebit or CreditCalander month
Bank Balance on 30th/31stbalance_on_30thEOD balance on 30st of monthYesNAYesYesYesYesNANADebit or CreditCalander month
Adjusted EOD Balance on 1stbalance_net_off_on_1st_0eod balance on 1st of month 0 excluding loan creditsYesNAYesYesYesYesNANADebit or CreditCalander month
Adjusted EOD Balance on 5thbalance_net_off_on_5th_0eod balance on 5th of month 0 excluding loan creditsYesNAYesYesYesYesNANADebit or CreditCalander month
Adjusted EOD Balance on 10thbalance_net_off_on_10th_0eod balance on 10th of month 0 excluding loan creditsYesNAYesYesYesYesNANADebit or CreditCalander month
Adjusted EOD Balance on 15thbalance_net_off_on_15th_0eod balance on 15th of month 0 excluding loan creditsYesNAYesYesYesYesNANADebit or CreditCalander month
Adjusted EOD Balance on 20thbalance_net_off_on_20th_0eod balance on 20th of month 0 excluding loan creditsYesNAYesYesYesYesNANADebit or CreditCalander month
Adjusted EOD Balance on 25thbalance_net_off_on_25th_0eod balance on 25th of month 0 excluding loan creditsYesNAYesYesYesYesNANADebit or CreditCalander month
Adjusted EOD Balance on 30th/31stbalance_net_off_on_30th_0eod balance on 30th of month 0 excluding loan creditsYesNAYesYesYesYesNANADebit or CreditCalander month
Auto Debit Bounceauto_debit_payment_bounce_creditTotal Amount of Auto debit bounceYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesCreditrolling 30 days
Penal Chargestotal_bounce_or_penal_chargetotal amount of bounce or penal charges in last 6 monthsYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesDebitrolling 30 days
Debit Card paymentsdebit_card_debitTotal Amount Spend through Debit cardYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesDebitrolling 30 days
Digital Payments donenet_banking_transfer_debitTotal Amount Debited through transfersYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesDebitrolling 30 days
Digital Payments Receivedupi_creditTotal Amount Credited through UPI, net banking, etcYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesCreditrolling 30 days
EOD balanceavg_balAverage Balance* ( = Average of EOD Balances after filling in missing daily Balances)YesNAYesYesYesYesYesYesDebit or Creditrolling 30 days
  • If input is for 3 months statement, then 0-2 months of monthly data (type monthly), and one aggregated data for 3 months
  • If input is for 6 months statement, then 0-5 months of monthly data (type monthly), and two aggregated data for 3 and 6 months
  • If input is for 12 months statement, then 0-11 months of monthly data (type monthly), and three aggregated data for 3, 6 and 12 months
  • Validation on finbox end to throw error in case complete 3 months, or 6 months or, 12 months data not received

Detailed Excel Report

Get detailed report for a given entity account wise in .xlsx (Excel workbook) format.


GET {{$page.frontmatter.base_url}}/{{$page.frontmatter.version}}/entity/<entity_id>/xlsx_report/


Request headers x-api-key with API Key as value and server-hash with Server Hash as value must be present in request.


On fetching information successfully, the response would be of the following format with 200 HTTP code:

"entity_id": "uuid4_for_entity",
"progress": [
"status": "completed",
"message": null,
"statement_id": "uuid4_for_statement",
"source": "pdf"
"reports": [
"link": "long_url_for_the_excel_report",
"account_id": "uuid4_for_account"

The list value of reports key will be empty if any one of the statements have the status value as processing in progress. When the transactions are successfully processed for all statements, within the entity, a list of report links will be available account wise.

In the case of multiple accounts within the same entity, you can have multiple reports within the reports key. The account_id will represent the account for which the report is, while the link key holds URL for the .xlsx file. The link will be active only for 1-hour, post which the API has to be re-hit to obtain the new link.

The Excel workbook contains a detailed analysis of different parameters in the form of separate sheets.


Give account wise predictors for a given entity.


GET {{$page.frontmatter.base_url}}/{{$page.frontmatter.version}}/entity/<entity_id>/predictors/


Request headers x-api-key with API Key as value and server-hash with Server Hash as value must be present in request.


On fetching information successfully, the response would be of the following format with 200 HTTP code:

"entity_id": "uuid4_for_entity",
"progress": [
"status": "completed",
"message": null,
"statement_id": "uuid4_for_statement",
"source": "pdf"
"predictors": [
"account_id": "uuid4_for_account",
"predictors": {
"end_date": "15-Apr-20",
"start_date": "29-Sep-19",
"avg_expense_to_income_perc": 113.99999999999999,
"avg_monthly_closing_balance": 27637.93,

The list value of predictors key will be empty if any one of the statements have the status value as processing in progress. When the transactions are successfully processed for all statements, within the entity, it will be the list of account wise predictors, with account_id indicating the account.

predictors key present in each of the account-wise object, will have following keys:

customer_nameString or nullName of the account holder
bank_nameString or nullBank name linked to account statement
account_typeString or nullType of bank account category. i.e. current, savings account
accountnumberInteger or nullAccount number
ifsc_codeString or nullIfsc code of bank account
month_0String or nullName of the month 0 in format (mmm-yy)
month_1String or nullName of the month 1 in format (mmm-yy)
month_2String or nullName of the month 2 in format (mmm-yy)
month_3String or nullName of the month 3 in format (mmm-yy)
month_4String or nullName of the month 4 in format (mmm-yy)
month_5String or nullName of the month 5 in format (mmm-yy)
end_dateString or nullLast date of transaction in 6 months
start_dateString or nullFirst date of transaction in 6 months
month_durationIntegerTotal number of months
annualised_creditFloatTotal amount credited in 1 year (credits/total days)*365)
cash_withdrawalsIntegerNumber of cash withdrawal transactions in last 6 months
chq_depositsIntegerNumber of credit transactions through cheque in last 6 months
chq_issuesIntegerNumber of debit transactions through cheque in last 6 months
creditsFloatTotal amount of credit transactions in last 6 months
credits_0Float or nullTotal amount of credit transactions in month 0
credits_1Float or nullTotal amount of credit transactions in month 1
credits_2Float or nullTotal amount of credit transactions in month 2
credits_3Float or nullTotal amount of credit transactions in month 3
credits_4Float or nullTotal amount of credit transactions in month 4
credits_5Float or nullTotal amount of credit transactions in month 5
debitless_chargesFloatTotal amount of bank charges in last 6 months
debitless_charges_0Float or nullTotal amount of bank charges in month 0
debitless_charges_1Float or nullTotal amount of bank charges in month 1
debitless_charges_2Float or nullTotal amount of bank charges in month 2
debitless_charges_3Float or nullTotal amount of bank charges in month 3
debitless_charges_4Float or nullTotal amount of bank charges in month 4
debitless_charges_5Float or nullTotal amount of bank charges in month 5
debitsFloatTotal amount of debit transactions in last 6 months
debits_0Float or nullTotal amount of debit transactions in month 0
debits_1Float or nullTotal amount of debit transactions in month 1
debits_2Float or nullTotal amount of debit transactions in month 2
debits_3Float or nullTotal amount of debit transactions in month 3
debits_4Float or nullTotal amount of debit transactions in month 4
debits_5Float or nullTotal amount of debit transactions in month 5
expense_0Float or nullTotal amount of debit in month 0 excluding outward cheque bounce
expense_1Float or nullTotal amount of debit in month 1 excluding outward cheque bounce
expense_2Float or nullTotal amount of debit in month 2 excluding outward cheque bounce
expense_3Float or nullTotal amount of debit in month 3 excluding outward cheque bounce
expense_4Float or nullTotal amount of debit in month 4 excluding outward cheque bounce
expense_5Float or nullTotal amount of debit in month 5 excluding outward cheque bounce
avg_monthly_expenseFloatAverage of total amount of expense to total months
income_0Float or nullTotal amount of credit in month 0 excluding amount of inward cheque bounce, auto debit payment bounce, international transaction arbitrage credits and loan credits and self-transfers
income_1Float or nullTotal amount of credit in month 1 excluding amount of inward cheque bounce, auto debit payment bounce, international transaction arbitrage credits and loan credits and self-transfers
income_2Float or nullTotal amount of credit in month 2 excluding amount of inward cheque bounce, auto debit payment bounce, international transaction arbitrage credits and loan credits and self-transfers
income_3Float or nullTotal amount of credit in month 3 excluding amount of inward cheque bounce, auto debit payment bounce, international transaction arbitrage credits and loan credits and self-transfers
income_4Float or nullTotal amount of credit in month 4 excluding amount of inward cheque bounce, auto debit payment bounce, international transaction arbitrage credits and loan credits and self-transfers
income_5Float or nullTotal amount of credit in month 5 excluding amount of inward cheque bounce, auto debit payment bounce, international transaction arbitrage credits and loan credits and self-transfers
avg_monthly_incomeFloatAverage of total income to total months
avg_expense_to_income_percFloatPercentage of total expenses to total income
expense_to_income_ratio_0Float or nullRatio of expense to income for month 0
expense_to_income_ratio_1Float or nullRatio of expense to income for month 1
expense_to_income_ratio_2Float or nullRatio of expense to income for month 2
expense_to_income_ratio_3Float or nullRatio of expense to income for month 3
expense_to_income_ratio_4Float or nullRatio of expense to income for month 4
expense_to_income_ratio_5Float or nullRatio of expense to income for month 5
inward_chq_bouncesFloatTotal amount credited through inward cheque bounce in last 6 months
net_banking_creditsFloatTotal amount credited through net banking transfer i.e. imps , neft or rtgs
net_banking_debitsFloatTotal amount debited through net banking transfer i.e. imps , neft or rtgs
number_of_transactions_0Integer or nullNumber of transactions in month 0
number_of_transactions_1Integer or nullNumber of transactions in month 1
number_of_transactions_2Integer or nullNumber of transactions in month 2
number_of_transactions_3Integer or nullNumber of transactions in month 3
number_of_transactions_4Integer or nullNumber of transactions in month 4
number_of_transactions_5Integer or nullNumber of transactions in month 5
outward_chq_bouncesFloatTotal amount debited through outward cheque bounce in last 6 months
pos_expensesFloatTotal amount spend through debit card in last 6 months
reversalsFloatTotal amount of transaction reversals (refund funds)
total_bounce_or_penal_chargeFloatTotal amount of bounce or penal charges in last 6 months
total_cash_withdrawalFloatTotal amount of cash withdrawal in last 6 months
total_chq_depositFloatTotal amount credited through cheque in last 6 months
total_chq_issueFloatTotal amount debited through cheque in last 6 months
total_creditcard_paymentFloatTotal amount of credit card payment in last 6 months
total_creditcard_payment_0Float or nullTotal amount of credit card payment in month 0
total_creditcard_payment_1Float or nullTotal amount of credit card payment in month 1
total_creditcard_payment_2Float or nullTotal amount of credit card payment in month 2
total_creditcard_payment_3Float or nullTotal amount of credit card payment in month 3
total_creditcard_payment_4Float or nullTotal amount of credit card payment in month 4
total_creditcard_payment_5Float or nullTotal amount of credit card payment in month 5
total_emi_ecs_loanFloatTotal amount debited as loan emi in last 6 months
total_expenseFloatTotal amount of expense in last 6 months
total_incomeFloatTotal amount of income in last 6 months
total_inward_payment_bounce_0Float or nullTotal amount of inward payment bounce in month 0
total_inward_payment_bounce_1Float or nullTotal amount of inward payment bounce in month 1
total_inward_payment_bounce_2Float or nullTotal amount of inward payment bounce in month 2
total_inward_payment_bounce_3Float or nullTotal amount of inward payment bounce in month 3
total_inward_payment_bounce_4Float or nullTotal amount of inward payment bounce in month 4
total_inward_payment_bounce_5Float or nullTotal amount of inward payment bounce in month 5
total_salary_0Float or nullTotal amount of salary credited in month 0
total_salary_1Float or nullTotal amount of salary credited in month 1
total_salary_2Float or nullTotal amount of salary credited in month 2
total_salary_3Float or nullTotal amount of salary credited in month 3
total_salary_4Float or nullTotal amount of salary credited in month 4
total_salary_5Float or nullTotal amount of salary credited in month 5
max_balance_0Float or nullMaximum balance in month 0
max_balance_1Float or nullMaximum balance in month 1
max_balance_2Float or nullMaximum balance in month 2
max_balance_3Float or nullMaximum balance in month 3
max_balance_4Float or nullMaximum balance in month 4
max_balance_5Float or nullMaximum balance in month 5
min_balance_0Float or nullMinimum balance in month 0
min_balance_1Float or nullMinimum balance in month 1
min_balance_2Float or nullMinimum balance in month 2
min_balance_3Float or nullMinimum balance in month 3
min_balance_4Float or nullMinimum balance in month 4
min_balance_5Float or nullMinimum balance in month 5
avg_balance_0Float or nullAverage eod balance of month 0 *
avg_balance_1Float or nullAverage eod balance of month 1 *
avg_balance_2Float or nullAverage eod balance of month 2 *
avg_balance_3Float or nullAverage eod balance of month 3 *
avg_balance_4Float or nullAverage eod balance of month 4 *
avg_balance_5Float or nullAverage eod balance of month 5 *
avg_daily_closing_balanceFloatAverage of daily closing balance to total days
avg_monthly_closing_balanceFloatAverage of monthly closing balance to total months
bal_last_0Float or nullEod balance on last date of month 0 *
bal_last_1Float or nullEod balance on last date of month 1 *
bal_last_2Float or nullEod balance on last date of month 2 *
bal_last_3Float or nullEod balance on last date of month 3 *
bal_last_4Float or nullEod balance on last date of month 4 *
bal_last_5Float or nullEod balance on last date of month 5 *
balance_on_10th_0Float or nullEod balance on 10th day of month 0 *
balance_on_10th_1Float or nullEod balance on 10th day of month 1 *
balance_on_10th_2Float or nullEod balance on 10th day of month 2 *
balance_on_10th_3Float or nullEod balance on 10th day of month 3 *
balance_on_10th_4Float or nullEod balance on 10th day of month 4 *
balance_on_10th_5Float or nullEod balance on 10th day of month 5 *
balance_on_15th_0Float or nullEod balance on 15th day of month 0 *
balance_on_15th_1Float or nullEod balance on 15th day of month 1 *
balance_on_15th_2Float or nullEod balance on 15th day of month 2 *
balance_on_15th_3Float or nullEod balance on 15th day of month 3 *
balance_on_15th_4Float or nullEod balance on 15th day of month 4 *
balance_on_15th_5Float or nullEod balance on 15th day of month 5 *
balance_on_1st_0Float or nullEod balance on 1st day of month 0 *
balance_on_1st_1Float or nullEod balance on 1st day of month 1 *
balance_on_1st_2Float or nullEod balance on 1st day of month 2 *
balance_on_1st_3Float or nullEod balance on 1st day of month 3 *
balance_on_1st_4Float or nullEod balance on 1st day of month 4 *
balance_on_1st_5Float or nullEod balance on 1st day of month 5 *
balance_on_20th_0Float or nullEod balance on 20th day of month 0 *
balance_on_20th_1Float or nullEod balance on 20th day of month 1 *
balance_on_20th_2Float or nullEod balance on 20th day of month 2 *
balance_on_20th_3Float or nullEod balance on 20th day of month 3 *
balance_on_20th_4Float or nullEod balance on 20th day of month 4 *
balance_on_20th_5Float or nullEod balance on 20th day of month 5 *
balance_on_25th_0Float or nullEod balance on 25th day of month 0 *
balance_on_25th_1Float or nullEod balance on 25th day of month 1 *
balance_on_25th_2Float or nullEod balance on 25th day of month 2 *
balance_on_25th_3Float or nullEod balance on 25th day of month 3 *
balance_on_25th_4Float or nullEod balance on 25th day of month 4 *
balance_on_25th_5Float or nullEod balance on 25th day of month 5 *
balance_on_30th_0Float or nullEod balance on 30th day of month 0 *
balance_on_30th_1Float or nullEod balance on 30th day of month 1 *
balance_on_30th_2Float or nullEod balance on 30th day of month 2 *
balance_on_30th_3Float or nullEod balance on 30th day of month 3 *
balance_on_30th_4Float or nullEod balance on 30th day of month 4 *
balance_on_30th_5Float or nullEod balance on 30th day of month 5 *
balance_on_5th_0Float or nullEod balance on 5th day of month 0 *
balance_on_5th_1Float or nullEod balance on 5th day of month 1 *
balance_on_5th_2Float or nullEod balance on 5th day of month 2 *
balance_on_5th_3Float or nullEod balance on 5th day of month 3 *
balance_on_5th_4Float or nullEod balance on 5th day of month 4 *
balance_on_5th_5Float or nullEod balance on 5th day of month 5 *
bal_avgof_6dates_0Float or nullAverage eod balances of 6 days(i.e. 1 ,5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30) for month 0 *
bal_avgof_6dates_1Float or nullAverage eod balances of 6 days(i.e. 1 ,5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30) for month 1 *
bal_avgof_6dates_2Float or nullAverage eod balances of 6 days(i.e. 1 ,5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30) for month 2 *
bal_avgof_6dates_3Float or nullAverage eod balances of 6 days(i.e. 1 ,5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30) for month 3 *
bal_avgof_6dates_4Float or nullAverage eod balances of 6 days(i.e. 1 ,5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30) for month 4 *
bal_avgof_6dates_5Float or nullAverage eod balances of 6 days(i.e. 1 ,5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30) for month 5 *
balance_net_off_on_1st_0Float or nullEod balance on 1st of month 0 excluding loan credits
balance_net_off_on_1st_1Float or nullEod balance on 1st of month 1 excluding loan credits
balance_net_off_on_1st_2Float or nullEod balance on 1st of month 2 excluding loan credits
balance_net_off_on_1st_3Float or nullEod balance on 1st of month 3 excluding loan credits
balance_net_off_on_1st_4Float or nullEod balance on 1st of month 4 excluding loan credits
balance_net_off_on_1st_5Float or nullEod balance on 1st of month 5 excluding loan credits
balance_net_off_on_5th_0Float or nullEod balance on 5th of month 0 excluding loan credits
balance_net_off_on_5th_1Float or nullEod balance on 5th of month 1 excluding loan credits
balance_net_off_on_5th_2Float or nullEod balance on 5th of month 2 excluding loan credits
balance_net_off_on_5th_3Float or nullEod balance on 5th of month 3 excluding loan credits
balance_net_off_on_5th_4Float or nullEod balance on 5th of month 4 excluding loan credits
balance_net_off_on_5th_5Float or nullEod balance on 5th of month 5 excluding loan credits
balance_net_off_on_10th_0Float or nullEod balance on 10th of month 0 excluding loan credits
balance_net_off_on_10th_1Float or nullEod balance on 10th of month 1 excluding loan credits
balance_net_off_on_10th_2Float or nullEod balance on 10th of month 2 excluding loan credits
balance_net_off_on_10th_3Float or nullEod balance on 10th of month 3 excluding loan credits
balance_net_off_on_10th_4Float or nullEod balance on 10th of month 4 excluding loan credits
balance_net_off_on_10th_5Float or nullEod balance on 10th of month 5 excluding loan credits
balance_net_off_on_15th_0Float or nullEod balance on 15th of month 0 excluding loan credits
balance_net_off_on_15th_1Float or nullEod balance on 15th of month 1 excluding loan credits
balance_net_off_on_15th_2Float or nullEod balance on 15th of month 2 excluding loan credits
balance_net_off_on_15th_3Float or nullEod balance on 15th of month 3 excluding loan credits
balance_net_off_on_15th_4Float or nullEod balance on 15th of month 4 excluding loan credits
balance_net_off_on_15th_5Float or nullEod balance on 15th of month 5 excluding loan credits
balance_net_off_on_20th_0Float or nullEod balance on 20th of month 0 excluding loan credits
balance_net_off_on_20th_1Float or nullEod balance on 20th of month 1 excluding loan credits
balance_net_off_on_20th_2Float or nullEod balance on 20th of month 2 excluding loan credits
balance_net_off_on_20th_3Float or nullEod balance on 20th of month 3 excluding loan credits
balance_net_off_on_20th_4Float or nullEod balance on 20th of month 4 excluding loan credits
balance_net_off_on_20th_5Float or nullEod balance on 20th of month 5 excluding loan credits
balance_net_off_on_25th_0Float or nullEod balance on 25th of month 0 excluding loan credits
balance_net_off_on_25th_1Float or nullEod balance on 25th of month 1 excluding loan credits
balance_net_off_on_25th_2Float or nullEod balance on 25th of month 2 excluding loan credits
balance_net_off_on_25th_3Float or nullEod balance on 25th of month 3 excluding loan credits
balance_net_off_on_25th_4Float or nullEod balance on 25th of month 4 excluding loan credits
balance_net_off_on_25th_5Float or nullEod balance on 25th of month 5 excluding loan credits
balance_net_off_on_30th_0Float or nullEod balance on 30th of month 0 excluding loan credits
balance_net_off_on_30th_1Float or nullEod balance on 30th of month 1 excluding loan credits
balance_net_off_on_30th_2Float or nullEod balance on 30th of month 2 excluding loan credits
balance_net_off_on_30th_3Float or nullEod balance on 30th of month 3 excluding loan credits
balance_net_off_on_30th_4Float or nullEod balance on 30th of month 4 excluding loan credits
balance_net_off_on_30th_5Float or nullEod balance on 30th of month 5 excluding loan credits

Important terms#

  • Outward Cheque Bounce : cheque issued by you is being returned by your bank
  • Inward Cheque Bounce : cheque deposited by you has been returned unpaid by the banker of the person who issued the cheque.
  • auto debit payment bounce: Bounce on unprocessed auto debit payments
  • international transaction arbitrage credits: Total Amount of credit due to difference in buying and selling of an asset in two diffrent market (credit)
  • Penal charge : overdue charges on non-payment of installment on the due date
  • * means filling in missing balances
  • month decreases going from 0 to 5, that is month 0 is the latest month while 5 is older
  • null value will come for some fields (mentioned in types), when that month's data is unavailable
  • total days = (end_date - start_date) in days