
The Android Client SDK helps user submits their bank statements via upload or net banking credentials in your Android application.

See in action#

The demo video below shows how a user submit a bank statement using net banking credentials:

The video below shows a user submit bank statement by uploading the PDF file:


Bank Connect Android SDK works on Android 5.0+ (API level 21+), on Java 8+ and AndroidX. In addition to the changes, enable desugaring to support older versions.

android {
defaultConfig {
// Minimum 5.0+ devices
compileOptions {
// Flag to enable support for the new language APIs
coreLibraryDesugaringEnabled = true
// Sets Java compatibility to Java 8
sourceCompatibility = JavaVersion.VERSION_1_8
targetCompatibility = JavaVersion.VERSION_1_8
// For Kotlin projects
kotlinOptions {
jvmTarget = "1.8"
dependencies {

Adding Dependency#

In the project level build.gradle file, add the repository URLs to all allprojects block.

maven {
credentials(AwsCredentials::class) {
accessKey = <ACCESS_KEY>
secretKey = <SECRET_KEY>
content {

Now add the dependency to module level build.gradle.kts or build.gradle file:

implementation("in.finbox:bankconnect:<BC_SDK_VERSION>:release@aar") {
isTransitive = true
exclude("in.finbox", "common")
exclude("in.finbox", "logger")
implementation("in.finbox:common:<COMMON_SDK_VERSION>:<COMMON_FLAVOR>-release@aar") {
isTransitive = true
implementation("in.finbox:logger:<LOGGER_SDK_VERSION>:parent-release@aar") {
isTransitive = true

Following will be shared by FinBox team at the time of integration:


Integration Workflow#

The diagram below illustrates the integration workflow in a nutshell:

Client SDK Workflow

Sample Project#

We have hosted a sample project on GitHub, you can check it out here:

Build Bank Connect#

Build the FinBoxBankConnect object by passing apiKey, linkId, fromDate, toDate and bank.

.fromDate("01/01/2021") // Optional: Default 6 months old date
.toDate("01/04/2021") // Optional: Default value 1 day less than current date
.bank("sbi") // Optional
Builder PropertyDescriptionRequired
apiKeyspecifies the api_keyYes
linkIdspecifies the link_idYes
fromDatespecifies the starting period of the statement in dd/MM/yyyy formatNo
toDatespecifies the end period of the statement in dd/MM/yyyy formatNo
bankpass the bank identifier to skip the bank selection screen and directly open a that bank's screen insteadNo

fromDate and toDate specify the period for which the statements will be fetched. For example, if you need the last 6 months of statements, fromDate will be today's date - 6 months and toDate will be today's date - 1 day. If not provided the default date range is 6 months from the current date. It should be in dd/MM/yyyy format.

Once the above statement is added, a series of checks are done to make sure the SDK is implemented correctly. A RunTimeException will be thrown while trying to build the project in case any of the checks are not completed.

Minimal Requirements for SDK to work:
  1. apiKey is is mandatory
  2. linkId is mandatory, and should be at least 8 characters long
  3. In case fromDate / toDate is provided, make sure they are of correct date format: dd/MM/yyyy.
  4. Make sure fromDate is always less than toDate
  5. Make sure toDate is never today's date, the maximum possible value for it is today's date - 1 day Once all these conditions are met, the BankConnect object will build.

Show SDK Screen#

Start BankActivity and listten for the result

* Activity Result
private val result = registerForActivityResult(
) {
// Parse the result
// Start Bank Activity

Parse Results#

Once the user navigates through the banks and uploads the bank statement, the sdk automatically closes BankActivity and returns FinboxOnSuccessPayload.

FinboxOnSuccessPayload contains linkId and entityId. A successful upload contains a unique entityId.

  • linkId - Unique id passed when building the Bank Connect object
  • entityId - Unique id of a successful statement upload
if (result?.resultCode == Activity.RESULT_OK) {
// Result is success
// Read extras
val extras =
// Read success payload
val payload = extras?.getParcelable<FinboxOnSuccessPayload>(
when {
payload == null -> {
// Failed to Receive Payload
payload.entityId.isNullOrBlank() -> {
// Failed to Upload Document
else -> {
// Upload Success
} else {
// Result Failed or User Cancelled

To track detailed errors, and transaction process completion at the server-side, it is recommended to also integrate Webhook.


BankActivity inherits the themes and color from Material Dark Action Bar Theme. Most of the case, there would be less customization requried but if there is a mismatch in colors, you can customize it through your styles.xml file.

  1. The sdk Toolbar color uses colorPrimary. If your app toolbar color is different from colorPrimary then change the color by updating the background color

    <style name="BankConnectTheme.Toolbar">
    <item name="android:background">@color/colorWhite</item>
  2. BankConnectTheme is the base theme of the sdk and it inherits Theme.MaterialComponents.Light.DarkActionBar. If your app doesn't inherit Dark Action Bar theme then you can change the sdk theme to inherit your app base theme.

    <style name="BankConnectTheme" parent="AppTheme">
    <style name="BankConnectTheme.AppBarOverlay" parent="AppTheme.AppBarOverlay" />
    <style name="BankConnectTheme.PopupOverLay" parent="AppTheme.PopupOverlay" />