FinBox Lending SDK is a drop-in module that can add a digital lending journey to any mobile or web application.


The flow for web SDK involves following steps:

Now everytime user initiates/resumes their lending journey by clicking on a banner/button on your app/website:

  • Call the Session API to get the URL, which can be rendered in a web view, or can be redirected to
  • Once user completes the journey they are redirected to the specified URL.
  • All the above APIs are called at server side.
  • Webhook can be configured to get updates about the loan applications.

Session API#

To start with the integration, call the following API to create a user session:


POST base_url/v1/user/session


This API require a Server API Key to be passed in x-api-key header. This API Key will be shared directly by FinBox along with base_url. Make sure this key is not exposed in any of your client side applications.

Request Format#

"customerID": "somecustomerid",
"redirectURL": "https://yoururl/redirect/to/after/user/exits"
  • Once the user exits the loan journey at any point, the SDK will redirect to the above specified URL
  • Make sure this API is called only when the user is created and eligibility is fetched.
Tracking Source

In case you are using same API key across different platforms, and want to track the source of the user, also pass a string field source in the request body, indicating a unique source from which the user is accessing the SDK from.

Hide Close Button

In case you want to hide the close button from the sdk navbar you can pass a boolean field hideClose with value true.

“customerID”: “somecustomerid”,
“hideClose”: true


"data": {
"url": "https://lendingwebuat.finbox.in/session/167af08b-b33f-47f3"
"error": "",
"status": true

Use url to open up the Lending SDK. This URL can be:

  • embedded inside an <iframe>
  • rendered in a mobile Web View
  • opened in a new tab or current window.

Error Cases#

CaseHTTP Code
Missing customerID403
Missing redirectURL403
User does not exist404
User eligibility not available400
User not eligible for loan403

Integrating DeviceConnect#

Web SDK holds the entire lending journey without capturing any user device information (alternate data). Loan approval rate depends on the data that is available, to boost the approval rate of a customer without any bureau data we recommend the use of DeviceConnect.

We support DeviceConnect integration for the following platforms. Please refer the integration doc for the same below:

  1. Android SDK | FinBox Documentation
  2. React Native | FinBox Documentation
  3. Cordova | FinBox Documentation

Credit Line#

In case of credit line, once the lending journey is completed, user can opt-in for a credit while doing a transaction.For such a case use the Session API with two extra inputs withdrawAmount and transactionID.


POST base_url/v1/user/session

Request Format#

"customerID": "somecustomerid",
"redirectURL": "https://yoururl/redirect/to/after/user/exits",
"withdrawAmount": 18000,
"transactionID": "some_txn_id"
  • withdrawAmount is the amount (in Float) that the user is trying to withdraw.
  • transactionID is the transaction ID (in String) for the withdrawal.

Error Cases#

CaseHTTP Code
transactionID already exists409


Some events are given by the SDK when user exits the SDK , application completed ...etc.

APPLICATION_COMPLETEDLoan Application completed
EXITUser exits SDK
PAYMENT_SUCCESSFULLCredit Line withdraw successful. Transaction ID will also be passed in the callback.
OTP_LIMIT_EXCEEDEDToo many incorrect OTP in Credit Line withdrawal

Above Events can be recieved in three ways

  1. Listen to window postMessage via target.addEventListener("message", (event) =>{}); Eg: Post Message
    :::warning NOTE
  • In case of PAYMENT_SUCCESSFULL event :-
"txnID":"<Transaction ID>"


  1. The events are also passed through the configured redirect URL. Eg: Redirect https://your-redirect.url/?status=EXIT :::warning NOTE
  • In case of PAYMENT_SUCCESSFULL event :- https://your-redirect.url/?status=EXIT&txnID=<Transaction ID> :::
  1. In case the SDK is used in a Android WebView. A Javascript Interface can be used to get the events.
  • Interface Name: FinboxWebViewInterface
  • Callback Function: finboxCallBack. Recieves two parameter
    • status
    • txnID in case of event PAYMENT_SUCCESSFULL


You can share the following JSON (or its subset) with FinBox team to customize the look and feel of the lending journey:

"primaryDark": "#515F7F",
"primaryMedium": "#6F7A94",
"primaryLight": "#B7C5CF",
"accentColor": "#0075FF",
"tileBackground": "#F4F8FC",
"errorColor": "#F44336bb",
"warningBackground": "#FDF0EF"

Camera Permissions in iframe#

In case you are showing the web sdk URL in an iframe, make sure to provide camera permission for the iframe using the allow attribute as shown:

<!--Allow camera access within the context of this iframe-->
<iframe src="https://lendingwebuat.finbox.in/session/167af08b-b33f-47f3" allow="camera"></iframe>