React Native

FinBox Lending SDK is a drop-in module that can add a digital lending journey to any mobile application.

Setting up the bridge#

  1. Install the React SDK from the npm package:

    yarn add react-native-finbox-middleware-sdk
  2. Now to auto link this native module to your app, run following command:

    react-native link
  3. Once the linking is done you need to open Android Studio and add a maven repository url in your project level build.gradle file

    maven {
    url "s3://risk-manager-android-sdk/artifacts"
    credentials(AwsCredentials) {
    accessKey = "<ACCESS_KEY>"
    secretKey = "<SECRET_KEY>"
  4. Specify the following in file:


    Following keys will be shared by the FinBox team:

    • ACCESS_KEY & SECRET_KEY - These keys will give access to the AWS bucket to fetch SDK
    • LENDING_SDK_VERSION - Middleware Lending SDK version
    • RISK_SDK_VERSION - Device Connect SDK version
    • ENVIRONMENT - SDK environment supports [uat & prod]
  5. Final change required is in the MainApplication class of your native app.

    protected List<ReactPackage> getPackages() {
    return Arrays.<ReactPackage>asList(
    new RNFinboxMiddlewareSdkPackage(),
  6. Minimum SDK Version Lending SDK supports a minimum SDK version of 21. So please update the minimum SDK version to 21

Start SDK flow#

Once all dependencies are added, SDK requires 3 inputs: customer_id, user_token and client_api_key.


user_token needs to be generated against a customer_id on backend before starting the SDK. Refer here

Now that all required parameters are available, we can start the SDK flow as follows:

import FinBoxMiddlewareSdk from 'react-native-finbox-middleware-sdk';
//Function to trigger Lending journey
const callModule = () => {
(errorMessage) => {
// Error Callback
console.log("Error message -> ", errorMessage)
(resultCode) => {
// Success Callback, once the user exits from the journey
console.log("resultCode", resultCode)

Credit Line#

In case of credit line product, once the lending journey is completed, user can opt-in for a credit while doing a transaction. For such a case use following method to start the credit line withdrawl journey:

import FinBoxMiddlewareSdk from 'react-native-finbox-middleware-sdk';
//Function to trigger credit line withdrawl
const callModule = () => {
(errorMessage) => {
// Error Callback
console.log("Error message -> ", errorMessage)
(resultCode) => {
// Success Callback, once the user exits from the journey
console.log("resultCode", resultCode)
WITHDRAW_AMOUNTFloatindicates the amount that a user is trying to withdraw
TRANSACTION_IDStringwill hold the transaction id for the withdrawal flow


There are 2 callbacks that needs to be handled.


Success Callback will have a resultCode. Possible values for resultCode are as follows:

Result CodeDescription
MW200Journey is completed successfully
MW500User exits the journey
MW400Some error occurred in the SDK
CL200Credit line withdrawal success
CL500Credit line withdrawal failed


Error callback will contain the error message.


FinBox Lending SDK sends notifications of its own for mandatory events. It is expected that the client app has Firebase configured and can forward the notification payload to the SDK. In order for SDK to capture the notifications add the following:

import messaging from '@react-native-firebase/messaging';
useEffect(() => {
// Send the notification payload to a common function. If sent by FinBox team notification will be shown.
const pushPayloadToFinBox = () => {
(success) => {
if (success)
const unsubscribe = messaging().onMessage(async (remoteMessage) => {
messaging().setBackgroundMessageHandler(async (remoteMessage) => {
return unsubscribe;
}, []);


  1. The privacy policy URL needs to be updated to the company policy. The default privacy policy is pointing to FinBox privacy. Add a String resource to specify the policy URL.
<string name="finbox_lending_privacy_policy_url"></string>

Make sure the value passed is a valid URL

  1. The toolbar title can be updated which will be visible in the Dashboard module. In order to update the toolbar just add a String resource for the same.
<string name="finbox_appbar_title">My App</string>
  1. SDK fonts can be customised to match the parent application. The SDK used 3 main fonts as mentioned below:
<style name="FBLendingAppTheme.FinBox.TextPrimary" parent="TextAppearance.AppCompat">
<item name="fontFamily">bold-font</item>
<style name="FBLendingAppTheme.FinBox.TextSecondary" parent="TextAppearance.AppCompat">
<item name="fontFamily">regular-font</item>
<style name="FBLendingAppTheme.FinBox.TextSubHead" parent="TextAppearance.AppCompat">
<item name="fontFamily">semibold-font</item>
  • FBLendingAppTheme.FinBox.TextPrimary is used for all buttons and bold headers
  • FBLendingAppTheme.FinBox.TextSecondary is the regular font that is used for regular text
  • FBLendingAppTheme.FinBox.TextSubHead is the medium bold font that is used for Sections or subheadings

Customize the SDK font by adding the application fontFamily in the styles.

  1. SDK Buttons can be customized by overriding FBLendingAppTheme
<style name="FBLendingAppTheme.FinBox.Button" parent="Widget.MaterialComponents.Button">
<item name="cornerRadius">16dp</item>
<item name="fontFamily">button-font</item>
<style name="FBLendingAppTheme.FinBox.TextButton" parent="Widget.MaterialComponents.Button.TextButton"></style>

Change button corner radius and text font as per your application theme.