
Once the lending SDK is integrated, we need to show a banner in the app that explains the loan step to the customer. The SDK is to be opened after clicking on the banner.

Sample app

User Banner API#

This API require Server API Key to be passed in x-api-key header


GET base_url/v1/user/banner?customerID=someCustomerID


"data": {
"banner": "APPLY"
"error": "",
"status": true

Banner values#

The table below indicates the possible values of banner key, and sample banner designs:

banner keyDescriptionSample Banner Design
APPLYThis step symbolises the start of the application and should be shown to eligible users. In case the user with the customer_id is not created in our systems, this is the default value returned by the Banner APIApply for loan

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INCOMPLETEThis step implies that the application was started, but was left in the middle. In this case, prompt the user to complete the applicationIncomplete loan

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APPROVEDAfter application is approved from lender, show user a state informing them that the application has been approved and they can proceed to the next step (like signing the agreement)Loan Approved

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REJECTEDIn case the application is rejected you can notify the user that his loan/credit line application has been rejectedLoan rejected

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ACTIVEWhen the loan is disbursed or credit line is activated, you can inform the user through this bannerActive loan

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DUEWhen EMI is due you can notify the user with the following bannerEMI due

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OVERDUEWhen EMI is overdue then we need to show the User an overdue state so that he can avoid late fee chargeEMI overdue

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CLOSEDThis implies that the loan / credit line is closed-
CANCELLEDThis implies that the loan / credit line application is cancelled-
HIDEThis implies the banner is not be shown to the user at the moment. This is a temporary state and doesn't indicate the eligibility of the user.-
INACTIVEThis is specific to Credit Line Journey. It indicates the credit line has been made inactive by the lender. Among OVERDUE and INACTIVE, INACTIVE will take precendence-