Fetching data by REST APIs

FinBox DeviceConnect REST API enables "server to server data" fetching of customers' Android device data. The customer's data can be fetched using the CUSTOMER_ID. API accepts JSON-encoded request bodies, returns JSON-encoded responses.


Following will be shared by FinBox team at the time of integration:



FinBox provides a valid and signed certificate for all API methods and endpoints. To access the API methods requester must ensure that their connection library supports HTTPS.

Authentication for the APIs are based on SERVER_API_KEY provided by the FinBox. Server to server communication can commence when IP of requester are whitelisted on the FinBox servers. This can be easily done upon request.

API Integration Workflow#

Insights API#

Once FinBox DeviceConnect SDK is initialized, data from the device is sent to the FinBox processing engine against an anonymous CUSTOMER_ID which will be the primary key from retrieving any information from the server.

Clients need to call the Insights API with CUSTOMER_ID to get the predictors for a given customer. An overview of the API calling is shown in the Workflow section. In case Insights API returns with status "in_progress" (meaning data is currently being processed), the client should poll the Insights API with a delay of at least 10 seconds


Rest API Workflow

  1. Call FinBox Insights API
  2. In case the response status is "in_progress", retry after 10 seconds
  3. In case the response status is "complete", receive data as per format mentioned in Insights API Response section.

Insights API Endpoints#

Base URL

For all the endpoints, the base URL for different environments are as follows:

EnvironmentBase URL
InsightsEndpointRequest TypeDescription
General Predictors/risk/predictorsPOSTGeneral features extracted from customer's data

Other than general predictors, there are also more predictor endpoints which will be shared based on the requirement by the FinBox team.

Insights API Request#

Request Header and Body#

For all the Insights API request structure is the same, all requests must have x-api-key field in header having the value as the SERVER_API_KEY shared by FinBox team. The following keys must be passed in every request body as keys to a JSON document:

Request Body

customer_idStringCUSTOMER_ID for which feature vector is required
versionIntegerVersion of the feature set shared by FinBox team as DC_PREDICTORS_VERSION
saltStringA salt which is computed basis logic mentioned in the Salt Generation section
metadata (optional)JsonA dictionary which can be used to pass additional information for example loan_type, loan_amount or any tags

Sample Metadata value

loan_typeStringCan be a string denoting the type of loan e.g. business_loan, msme_loan, personal_loan
loan_amountIntegerCan be an integer value denoting the amount of loan in INR e.g. 3000, 25000, 50000

Please note that this CUSTOMER_ID is the same used as the unique identifier used in Android SDK while syncing the data.

Sample Request#


Content-Type: application/json
x-api-key: XXXX-XXXX-XXXX

Request Body

"customer_id": "1234ABCD4567",
"version": 1,
"salt": "5vVMNofMy5kQXx647sBdYBoMolMb1GGBSYLkzwaa9v8=",
"metadata": {
"loan_type": "business_loan",
"loan_amount": 30000

Insights API Response#

API will give a JSON Response with the following keys:

Response Keys#

customer_idCUSTOMER_ID for which data was requestedSTRING [260]Yes
request_idA unique string for each requestSTRING [32]Yes
statusStatus of the operation.STRING [20]No
messageDescription of statusSTRING [200]No
date_requestedTimestamp of processing requestSTRING with YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss:mil formatYes
date_processedTimestamp of processing completionSTRING with YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss:mil formatYes
dataAn array of objects, each object representing the predictors, having keys name indicating the predictor name and value indicating the valuesJSONYes
data key

The list of predictors in the data key will be different based on the result API endpoint, feature set version and requester. This list will hence be shared separately by the FinBox team during the integration.


Some of the keys in response may be missing based on the availability of data and HTTP Status code. Please refer to examples for each of the cases listed here.

status values#

Depending on the availability of data, there can be different cases with different status values as follows:

Casestatus valueHTTP Status CodeDescription / Action
Calculation in progress"in_progress"202The request input is correct and processing has started. Please retry in 10 seconds
Calculation complete and data is available"complete"200The request input is correct and processing has completed. Response contains the predictors
Calculation complete and data is unavailable"no_data"200The request input is correct and processing has completed but response contains no predictors because of lack of data from user's device
Data fetch for request Id before webhook callback or after 24 hours"webhook_not_found"200The request has no data assosciated with it because the request id was never sent from webhook callback or it is deleted because 24 hours passed from when it was sent
Invalid customer ID"not_found"200User does not exist in FinBox system
Bad request"error"400The request input is incorrect / malformed. More details available in message key
Unauthorized"error"403This happens in case SERVER_API_KEY is incorrect or IP address in not whitelisted
Internal Server Error"error"5xxThe request processing failed because of some internal error. In this case, please retry twice with an exponential backoff i.e. retry after 2 seconds, then retry after 5 seconds. If the issue persists, please contact support
Rate Limit Exceeded"error"429This happens in case the maximum allowed rate limit on API exceeds. In this case, please retry twice with an exponential backoff i.e. retry after 2 seconds, then retry after 5 seconds. Contact FinBox to know your rate limits.

In case your are running a daily CRON that fetches data using insights API, ensure you are not breaching the rate limit. Please contact FinBox to know your rate limits.

Case 1 - Calculation in Progress#

HTTP Status Code: 202

Sample Response Body:

"customer_id": "A145BC6312B50CA2B58233288F81C02114A6A74E9A62482169F9F",
"request_id": "abcd-def-dfdf-xcds1",
"date_requested": "2019-01-03T06:37:44:003",
"status": "in_progress",
"message": "Featurization in Progress, please try again in 10 Seconds"

Case 2 - Calculation complete and data is available#

HTTP Status Code: 200

Sample Response Body:

"customer_id": "A145BC6312B50CA2B58233288F81C02114A6A74E9A62482169F9F",
"request_id": "abcd-def-dfdf-jjj1",
"date_requested": "2019-01-03T06:37:44:003",
"date_processed": "2018-12-12T01:01:57:221",
"status": "complete",
"message": "data processed successfully",
"data": [] // will hold the predictor objects

Case 3 - Calculation complete and data is unavailable#

HTTP Status Code: 200

Sample Response Body:

"customer_id": "A145BC6312B50CA2B58233288F81C02114A6A74E9A62482169F9F",
"request_id": "abcd-def-dfdf-000l",
"date_requested": "2019-01-03T06:37:44:003",
"date_processed": "2018-12-12T01:01:57:221",
"status": "no_data",
"message": "No data available for user",
"data": null

Case 4 - Data fetch for request Id before webhook callback or after 24 hours#

HTTP Status Code: 200

Sample Response Body:

"customer_id": "A145BC6312B50CA2B58233288F81C02114A6A74E9A62482169F9F",
"request_id": "abcd-def-dfdf-000l",
"date_requested": "2019-01-03T06:37:44:003",
"date_processed": "2018-12-12T01:01:57:221",
"status": "webhook_not_found",
"message": "The Webhook response for the given request ID was not found. This can happen if the webhook URL was called before receiving the webhook event or after 24 hours of receiving webhook event"

Case 5 - Invalid Customer ID#

HTTP Status Code: 200

Sample Response Body:

"customer_id": "A145BC6312B50CA2B58233288F81C02114A6A74E9A62482160F9F",
"request_id": "abcd-def-dfdf-ddd1",
"date_requested": "2019-01-03T06:37:44:003",
"status": "not_found",
"message": "User not found",
"data": null

Case 6 - Bad Request#

HTTP Status Code: 400

Sample Response Body:

"customer_id": "A145BC6312B50CA2B58233288F81C02114A6A74E9A62482160F9F",
"request_id": "abcd-def-dfdf-ddd1",
"date_requested": "2019-01-03T06:37:44:003",
"status": "error",
"message":"Missing Key version"

Case 7 - Unauthorized#

HTTP Status Code: 403

Sample Response Body:

"status": "error",
"message": "Incorrect API Key"

Case 8 - Internal Server Error#

HTTP Status Code: 5xx

Sample Response Body:

"status": "error",
"message": "Internal Server Error. Please retry. If issue persists, please contact support"

Case 9 - Rate Limit Exceeded#

HTTP Status Code: 429

Sample Response Body:

"status": "error",
"message": "Rate limit exceeded"

Predictors Webhook Integration#

FinBox fires a webhook when a user's results are updated. Upon receipt of the webhook, you can query the insights API to fetch these results.

The webhook payload has the following keys:

  • service: It indicates the service whose results have been updated. Currently, It will be set to PREDICTORS.
  • customer_id: customer_id for which result was updated.
  • salt: A salt is used to authenticate webhook. It is computed basis logic mentioned in the Salt Generation section.
  • request_id: A unique string corresponding to each each request.

You have to register your webhook address with FinBox. Please get in touch with us for the same.

"service": "PREDICTORS",
"customer_id": "89561ea2190946a9",
"salt": "/+Y459HYwFtWB2656bE5eTvB4NmTSoTmoAyt9SAtwek=",
"request_id": "aad12-dabmd-ddb-1123d"

Querying by webhook#

Once you receive a webhook, you can make a POST request of the insights API using the param source = webhook and request_id = {request_id}. This will return the updated data to you instantly.


  • You must only use the source param once you have received the webhook.
  • Param request_id must be the same as the request_id received in the response payload of the webhook.
  • Including this param bypasses the calculation of results and returns already existing result.

Salt Generation#

Calculating salt#

Salt is calculated as follows:

  1. A = Create MD5 hash of CUSTOMER_ID
  2. B = Concatenate string of A and SERVER_HASH shared by FinBox.
  3. C = Create an SHA-256 hash of B
  4. Salt = base64 encoded version of C

Sample code for salt generation in different languages:

import java.security.*;
import java.util.*;
import java.io.UnsupportedEncodingException;
import java.nio.charset.Charset;
import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets;
import java.math.BigInteger;
public class SaltGeneration {
private static final int HEX_255 = 0xFF;
private static final String UNICODE_TRANSFORMATIONAL_FORMAT_8_BIT = "UTF-8";
private static String CUSTOMER_ID = "<CUSTOMER_ID>";
private static String SERVER_HASH = "<SERVER_HASH>";
private static String getSaltForBody() {
String hashedOutput = getMd5Hash(CUSTOMER_ID);
String concatString = hashedOutput + SERVER_HASH;
String shaOutput = get256Encoded(concatString);
return shaOutput;
private static String getMd5Hash(final String s) {
try {
// Create MD5 Hash
MessageDigest digest = MessageDigest.getInstance("MD5");
byte[] messageDigest = digest.digest();
// Create Hex String
StringBuilder hexString = new StringBuilder();
for (byte mDigest : messageDigest) {
StringBuilder h = new StringBuilder(Integer.toHexString(HEX_255 & mDigest));
while (h.length() < 2) {
h.insert(0, "0");
return hexString.toString().toUpperCase();
} catch (NoSuchAlgorithmException e) {
return null;
* Method converts the string into SHA 256 and returns it
* @param s String to be 256 encoded
* @return Converted 256 hash
private static String get256Encoded(final String text) {
try {
MessageDigest digest = MessageDigest.getInstance("SHA-256");
byte[] hash = digest.digest(text.getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8));
return Base64.getEncoder().encodeToString(hash);
} catch (NoSuchAlgorithmException e) {
return null;
import hashlib, base64
def create_salt(customer_id, server_hash):
Takes customer_id (unique identifier of customer)
and server_hash (shared by FinBox) as input
and returns salt in response
customer_hash = hashlib.md5(customer_id.encode('utf-8')).hexdigest().upper()
intermediate_hash = customer_hash + server_hash
salt_encoded = hashlib.sha256(intermediate_hash.encode('utf-8')).digest()
salt = base64.b64encode(salt_encoded).decode()
return salt
import (
func GetSaltForCustomer(customerId string, serverHash string) string {
hasher := md5.New()
hexHasher := hex.EncodeToString(hasher.Sum(nil))
data := strings.ToUpper(hexHasher)+ serverHash
newSha256 := sha256.New()
finalData := base64.StdEncoding.EncodeToString(newSha256.Sum(nil))
return finalData
function create_salt($customer_id, $server_hash) {
$customer_hash = strtoupper(md5($customer_id));
$intermediate_hash = $customer_hash."".$server_hash;
$salt_encoded = openssl_digest($intermediate_hash, 'sha256', true);
$salt = base64_encode($sha_hash);
return $salt;

Debugging Salt Generation#

You can cross check each individual step of your salt generation logic by using the following parameters

customer_id = 82169C6312B50CA8233482169F9F288F812B5C02114A6A74E9A62
server_hash = 5f8cd80c69a34b9785dc66298eabe95b

Step A Result - Hexdigest of MD5Hash


Step B Result - Intermediate Hash


Step C Result - Hexdigest Version


Note: The result for Step C shared above is generated by doing a hexdigest rather than a digest. It is shared for comparison purposes only. In the actual code you must use digest rather than haxdigest for Step 3.

Final Result - Salt
